Friday, April 27, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012


So. Practice MCAT score update. 
I took my second practice test on Tuesday. My score was a 25. 
It went up FOUR points!!! 
Both my essays were scored with a 5, on a scale of 1 - 6. 
May 24 doesn't seem so scary anymore.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Countdown Begins

Today I take my first full length practice MCAT.

My official MCAT date is exactly ONE MONTH from today. Not sure how I feel about that realization yet..
Scared? Excited? Nervous? Nauseous? Stressed? All of these!

I will post my score when I find out what it is, possibly later tonight.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kevin Bacon

So.. Kevin Bacon was on my campus last Tuesday filming the pilot for his new tv show, in which he plays an FBI agent.

Students had the opportunity to be extras. I wanted to do it but had other more important school-related priorities (darn!). Anyways, I did get a chance to watch them film for a little while. It was interesting. They had several large trucks and lots of equipment and so many people scurrying around.

I stood in the mob of people, which you would think would be primarily students, right? Well there were quite a few students and just as many middle aged women with their cameras out! Ha. That was amusing.

 We watched silently as they yelled, "Rolling! ... Cut! ... Reset!" Although I never heard "Action!!" which I thought was strange. Anyways, I saw Kevin Bacon! He was maybe 50 yards away. At the closest, I was standing maybe 20 yards from him.

Kevin Bacon. A celebrity. I have never seen a celebrity before. I wasn't terribly excited when I heard he was coming because I only recognize the name. I'm not really a huge fan, if a fan at all, actually. But when I saw him and I realized that I was having my first celebrity sighting, I found myself feeling more and more excited. But not necessarily for him. It could have been any celebrity and I would be just as excited. So, like all the women around me, I guiltlessly pulled out my phone to take some pictures. At one point, he glanced toward the crowd and waved!! He waved! Kevin Bacon, a celebrity, waved at me (and a bunch of other people)!

So here are the shots I took myself as well as some other people took. 

 Waiting between takes. 

 I think he's holding a phone. Perhaps tweeting? 


 Meet Kevin Bacon,
This one is pretty close.

 Waiting between takes. 
This one is a crop of the first picture. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012



Yay! I set up mobile blogging. Hopefully I can squeeze in some more posts. I really wish blogger had an iPhone app, which would things so much easier. Oh wait. There is a blogger app. I just found it. But it got really bad reviews so I'll stick with mobile blogging for a while.

Okay, life update. Aaron and I still doing great. I recently registered for classes. My senior classes. Whoa. It's gone by so fast!! I can't believe I'll be a senior next year! On top of that, this semester is almost over. Already. It feels like it started like a month ago. Not three. There's less than a month left until my last day of class and I only have three finals this semester over the course of two weeks instead of just one week of finals. I like that! I'm excited about being officially done even earlier this year (May 2). On a weird side note, I had another ovarian cyst rupture this morning. I have never been in so much pain in my entire life. It probably popped up because I have been pretty stressed recently.

MCAT update.
Well, this semester coming to an end also means I'm that much closer to take the MCAT. 53 days to be exact. Yikes. Not gonna lie, just thinking about how close it is make me anxious. It's coming fast. Super fast. And at the moment, I don't feel ready. There just aren't enough hours in the day!

My Kaplan course is great. It would be better if I wasn't so far behind because I'm trying to balance it with my other classes. But I also feel like I'm just making excuses sometimes. I used to be able to stay up really late. This year, it's hard to stay up past 11:30 (sometimes even 11). Going to bed earlier is nice because I get more sleep and apparently my body likes that. But it also leaves less homework time. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on MCAT stuff over this weekend and this next week.