Monday, April 9, 2012

Kevin Bacon

So.. Kevin Bacon was on my campus last Tuesday filming the pilot for his new tv show, in which he plays an FBI agent.

Students had the opportunity to be extras. I wanted to do it but had other more important school-related priorities (darn!). Anyways, I did get a chance to watch them film for a little while. It was interesting. They had several large trucks and lots of equipment and so many people scurrying around.

I stood in the mob of people, which you would think would be primarily students, right? Well there were quite a few students and just as many middle aged women with their cameras out! Ha. That was amusing.

 We watched silently as they yelled, "Rolling! ... Cut! ... Reset!" Although I never heard "Action!!" which I thought was strange. Anyways, I saw Kevin Bacon! He was maybe 50 yards away. At the closest, I was standing maybe 20 yards from him.

Kevin Bacon. A celebrity. I have never seen a celebrity before. I wasn't terribly excited when I heard he was coming because I only recognize the name. I'm not really a huge fan, if a fan at all, actually. But when I saw him and I realized that I was having my first celebrity sighting, I found myself feeling more and more excited. But not necessarily for him. It could have been any celebrity and I would be just as excited. So, like all the women around me, I guiltlessly pulled out my phone to take some pictures. At one point, he glanced toward the crowd and waved!! He waved! Kevin Bacon, a celebrity, waved at me (and a bunch of other people)!

So here are the shots I took myself as well as some other people took. 

 Waiting between takes. 

 I think he's holding a phone. Perhaps tweeting? 


 Meet Kevin Bacon,
This one is pretty close.

 Waiting between takes. 
This one is a crop of the first picture. 

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