Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I'm officially a Berry College alumni now. It feels weird. It still doesn't hasn't sunk in.. 
I thought it would when I ordered my cap and gown or when it was finally delivered.
 But no. 
I thought it would when my classes ended and I was done undergraduate. Nope. 
I thought it would when I picked up my cap and gown and tassel. Nope. 
I thought it would when I took my last final at Berry. Nope. 
I thought it would when I was handed my Alumni Association ID card. Nope. 
I thought it would when I got dressed for the ceremony. Not really. 
I thought it would when I walked across the stage and took my degree. No. 
I thought it would when I moved out of my dorm room. Close. 
I think it finally hit me when I turned in my mailbox amd dorm keys, when I walked out the dorm that I had lived in for three years, and when I drove off campus. 
Sometimes I catch myself saying "Oh yeah! I do have a Bachelor's. I forgot about that." 

Class of 2013

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