Monday, September 26, 2011

I hate physics.

I hate physics.
What's the point? 
I mean, really?
I want to be a doctor. 
A doctor of MEDICINE.
Meaning I won't be sitting around thinking about gravity. 
Or how fast a car was traveling at a given time.
Or how much tension is on the rope between two boxes. 
Or projectile motion. 
Or objects in free fall.
Physics seems useless to me. 
Even more so because I don't understand it.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Oh happy day!

Today is Sunday. 
September 25, 2011.
I can't believe it's already almost October.

This past week was actually a pretty great week. 
I made an A on my first cell biology test. 
I was way beyond stressed about it, too! 
I also made an A on my first organic chemistry test. 
I felt even more special because she put a STICKER on my test. 
Yeah, it's a little childish, but it made my day brighter. 
Then I got to watch my organic teacher
try to wiggle around and keep up at zumba. 
Hilarious. That alone totally made my Wednesday better. 
I had a class canceled on Thursday and they served 
one of my favorite things in the dining hall: chicken parmesean! 
Thursday also held a trip to Jandy's! 
Only the best frozen yogurt place ever.  

This past weekend was great, too. 
AND I was incredibly productive.
It just wasn't long enough.
I got to spend it with Aaron. 
Monday, why do you have to come? 

This coming week should be relatively easy. 
I don't have any tests.
That's nice.

Friday is the start of Mountain Day weekend! 
Mountain Day is a celebration of our founder's (Martha Berry) birthday. 
On Friday, we have the Mountain Day Olympics.
Each dorm picks a different theme, there are t-shirts made,
and everyone dresses up and we compete in events for points.
Pretty excited. 

Saturday is the ACTUAL Mountain Day: October 1. 
There's a special picnic lunch on mountain campus 
while the band plays background music.  
There's booths selling stuff.
In the afternoon, the Grand March is held. 
You wear a specific color to designate your grade level.
All the students march up and down a hill several times.
It doesn't sound like much but apparently it's fun. 
But I wouldn't know. 
This is the first year I will be able to participate. 
The past two years I had to play with the band while everyone else marched. 
I quit band this year.
My class load was just too much.
I'm excited about being able to participate 
in the Grand March this year.
*cue sarcasm*
Yay for marching up and down 
a steep hill several times in the sun 
in the middle of the afternoon.
But, hey, at least I'm not playing in the band! 

 Also on Saturday is the best part of Mountain Day: Marthapalooza. 
It's a carnival right here on campus with food, music, rides, and games! 
The theme this year is superheroes. 
Last year it was "Martharitaville." 
My freshman year it was a space theme.

This week will probably be a good week too. 
And another good weekend. 
Aaron is coming for Marthapalooza.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


If you haven't seen the latest viral YouTube video, you should watch it. 
It's hilarious and that old couple is so adorable.

 Webcam 101 for seniors...

I hope Aaron and I are like that when we get to be that age.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forget.

September 11, 2001. 

A day that changed American history. 
A day that united and strengthened American patriotism forever.

 We will never forget all those who lost their lives that day. 

Honor the heroic firefighters that risked 
and lost their own lives to save others. 

God bless the families of passengers on those planes. 
God bless the families of the firefighters. 
God bless the lost souls.


Never forget.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Alma Mater Sunset

Purple sunset over friday night football.

Nothing like friday night football at my alma mater.

First, let me explain the purpose of this blog. 

This is a blog about life, love, and everything in between on the journey to become a doctor.
This is actually my second blog.
My other blog is called Tip Top Nails. 
I post my nail art and talk about nail polish. 
But a few days ago, I realized that I feel limited with that blog. 
I wanted to start another one.

This blog has two main purposes:
 One, I can post about anything. 
Two, I can post more frequently, even if I'm taking classes. 

On my nail blog, the posts were very time-consuming. 
Each design would take at least an hour to paint, plus drying time. 
Then I would have to take pictures and write the post. 
So each post would easily take at least three hours from painting to posting. 
Obviously, I only have that kind of free time in the summer. 
When classes would start back up again, 
the posts would pretty much stop for the semester because I just don't have the time. 

Also on my nail blog, I was limited to posting only about nail stuff. 
I didn't like posting non-nail related things on a nail blog because they just didn't seem to fit. 
So I wanted a blog where I could post about anything...
totally random and whatever I'm thinking and not having to worry 
about the content of the post fitting into the theme of the blog. 

Therefore, this blog will be about anything I want it to be,
which will probably include: 
o   Life . . . and all its ups and downs 
o   Love . . . and it's fuzzy feelings
o   Astronomy . . . and the wonders of the universe
o   House MD . . . and the sarcasm of Dr. Gregory House
o   Taylor Swift . . . and her incredible lyrics 
o   The long journey to become a doctor . . . and the inevitable bumps along the way
o   And everything in between

I'm very excited about this blog, especially because I would like it to be long-term. A documentary of my life. I hope to be able to look back over these posts after I have become a board-certified doctor and reflect and realize how much of a long journey it was but how I handled it and ended up overcoming all the obstacles.

"Sunsets are so beautiful that they seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven." -John Lubbock