Monday, December 12, 2011

House Season 8 Episode 6

Dead and Buried

In this episode House juggles two separate cases at the same time. 
One patient is living: a fourteen year old girl. 
The other patient is dead: a four year old boy. 

Chase was late to work and said he had a dentist appointment. . . 
when he was ACTUALLY getting a manicure. 
The living patient has a weird reaction/episode at a birthday party. 
The mom  has been slipping her anti-anxiety meds without telling her.
And cue puking patient.  

House is at an anger management class. 
The patient of the dead boy is there. 
House says he wants to dig up his son and do tests.  
The father is surprised but agrees. 
House suspects the patient is pregnant and the test is positive, 
but she insists she is a virgin.
The patient's arm go numb.

House bribes an old guy at the cemetery to let him look at dead boy's body. 
Right as House is about to open the casket, his phone rings and it scares him.  
"You owe me a new pair of pants."
Chase shows up to work and they notice he had his eyebrows waxed. 
Yi being creepily observant in this episode.
Now the patient has sore arms covered in bruises. 

Foreman threatened to tattle on House and send him back to jail.
House breaks into the house of the dead boy's mom. 
He considers metal poisoning. 

Taub and chase checking the patient's home. 
Chase reveals his is going to be a tv doctor to Taub.
They discover a drawer full of porn and love letters in the patient's room. 
Maybe she's not so innocent after all. 

House broke into the house of the dead kid's mom again.  
He takes a stuffed zebra toy.

The patient is still denying having sex. 
But she does say her boyfriend came to the hospital at night 
and beat her because she wouldn't leave the hospital with him.
Then her vision starts going out.

House tested the stuffed zebra for metals.
The dead boy's dad says the mom had no reaction to the death at all. 

Wilson walks into Foreman's office. "We have a problem."
Foreman replies, "Does it limp?"

The patient's vision problem went away before the test was over.
Chase walks in and House has a tv on. 
It's a commercial and Chase is playing an Australian tv doctor. 
Oh irony.

House calls the dead son's mom into the clinic. 
He insults her somehow and she slaps him.
She tells him her father used to babysit the son. 
She tells House not to go there.

House verbally attacks patient, 
obviously trying to provoke something. 
He says her boyfriend is right here. 
She says no because he's right here. 

The patients has an identity disorder: multiple personality disorder. 
It's a response to severe emotional trauma. 
The anti-anxiety drug were masking it. Thanks mom.
The team will use hypnosis to access her alter personalities 
to figure out which symptoms are real and which symptoms are psychological.

House went to the home of the dead kid's grandfather 
(mom's father) to ask him question.
He said the kid just watched ALOT of tv. 
The mom shows up. 
She is very mad because she specifically told House not to come here. 
House gets punched by the mom's new husband, 
with whom she has another child with now.

One of the patient's alter personalities is a little kid (her) 
and she remembers a car wreck. 
Apperently her father was driving and died in the wreck. 
The little girl is convinced her father died because she was crying in the backseat. 
She's bleeding heavily from below.

The team is discussing the patient's virginity. 
She was telling the truth about not having sex but three pregnancy tests tested positive.
They realize that a pregnancy don't detect an actual embryo, 
but infer the presence of an embryo based on heightened hormone levels. Cancer? 

House solves the case of the dead little boy.
It's a genetic condition and their other son is showing early signs.
But it's treatable. 

A cop car shows up and Hose gets in. Parole violation.
Foreman says he's sending him back to jail. WHAT A JERK. 
Wilson makes a good point by saying Cuddy managed House, not control him, 
which is what Foreman is trying to do. 
Foreman asks House how Cuddy would handle this situation. 
House says she would give him 15 clinic hours.
Foreman says, "I'm not Cuddy. You got 30."  

How lame. The previews for this episode were lies. 
This was not one of the most intense episodes yet! 
It was not gutwrenching! 
There was no big twist.
(although sending House back to jail would have been a great twist)
I am throughly disappointed. 

Next episode is the fall finale. 

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