Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Practice MCAT #1

On Saturday (Jan 28) I took a practice test for the MCAT. It took about three hours. It covered three of the four sections (no essays) and they were shortened for time's sake. I felt so tired. My friend Victoria was taking the real MCAT in Macon at the same time I was taking a practice test. I can't wait to hear about it. She's going to do great. 

This is kinda the first practice test I've taken and kinda not the first practice test I've taken. I took one in the spring of last year and scored a 12. Yes, I said a TWELVE. But I don't know if I should consider it valid because my computer kept glitching, the test crashed and I actually had to restart it, and it left out some things in the very beginning (like intro stuff). 

On this test, I scored a 21. Much better!  I think this is a great score to start with and I'm very happy, because I'm considering this the FIRST practice test I've taken. But it's not exactly where I want to be. My goal is (at least) 30. 

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