Saturday, September 15, 2012

Big Brother Week 9

SUNDAY's episode

Recap of double eviction

HOH comp: BB Memory Lane. There's props from past games played. They must remember what day each event happened on and then guide a ball into a slot with that number. It ended with Shane and Ian tied. Tie-breaker: What day was the first coach evicted? 
Ian won HOH! He has guaranteed his spot in the final four.

Ian got a second Pandora's box. Ian said he is the first person to have two. He gets a video from RACHEL! She gives him advice on how to win the game and then shows Ian a sparkly mini skirt. Ian says it's like he's on a bad date and he might vomit.  The rest of the house got videos from family. Danielle and Shane both get a video from their sisters. Jenn's message is from her mom, and she totally cries. Dan's video is from his wife and he immediately cried like a baby, as well.

The dining room table is now super tiny!!
Ian nominates Jenn and Shane.
Someone will be evicted on Wednesday!
The usual live eviction will then take place on Thursday!


WEDNESDAY's episode

Julie told the house that tonight is another special eviction. 

Veto comp:  They had to put together a puzzle. But every 20 seconds, they had to fly across the backyard and hit a red button that gives them a fresh 20 seconds. If not, the puzzle falls and they must start over. If you puzzle falls and you don't hit the button within 10 seconds, you're eliminated. 
Ian ended up getting eliminated. Shane won the veto and a luxury prize for him and one person. He chose Danielle and a limo carried them to see the USA Olympic gymnastics team (the fierce five). 

Shane used the veto to save himself. Ian nominates Danielle as the replacement.

Votes to evict: 
Shane.. Jenn 
Dan.. Jenn 
By a vote of 2-0, Jenn is evicted. 

HOH comp: The houseguests must answer questions about pictures based on memory. 
Danielle won HOH. 

THURSDAY's episode 

It's day 69 in the house. 
Danielle nominated Dan and Ian. 

In the jury house, Ashley is alone meditating and blowing bubbles. She's also making dream boards for Frank to win HOH. Britney came in next, then Frank. They're all talking about how Dan needs to go or he will win. Joe came in next. Frank and Britney were arguing. 

Veto comp: Atomic Veto
A science themed molecule puzzle with clues to match with pictures of evicted houseguests. Ian finished first but had several wrong. They all started finishing but all had wrong answers. Finally Danielle got them all right. Danielle won veto! 

Veto ceremony: 
She used the veto to save Dan because Dan promised her he would vote to keep Shane. 
Shane is now on the block against Ian. 

Vote to evict: 
Dan... Shane. :(
Danielle is shocked that Dan lied to her after she let him manipulate her into making a stupid decision. Shane is shocked and mad. He looks teary-eyed when talking to Julie. 
Shane tells Julie that Dan is a dirty player. 

The final HOH will be revealed on Sunday. 
The finale is Wednesday at 9:30pm.

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