Sunday, September 2, 2012

Big Brother Week 7

The house has a new dining table. It's tiny!! The DR is trying to convince Ian not to use his special veto power and it leaked to the house, I think. 


SUNDAY's episode
This episode opened with a recap of the double eviction. 
Frank griping at Ian for not voting for Boogie. He's being really mean. Ian won HOH after he tried to throw it.. He had to make a fast decision. Frank trying to see if he's safe. Britney says Frank and Ashley. Joe says Frank and Ashley, as well. 

Ian nominated Frank and Ashley. 

Frank is angry and ranting. He won veto and Ian nominated Joe as the replacement. Ashley was voted out. Ian misses her. Britney feels bad for Ian because Frank keeps yelling at him. Ian starts pacing.

Ian says he's a bad person. Frank is trying to make a deal with Shane and Danielle. Frank thinks Dan talked them into this. He says if he wins he's putting up Dan and Joe. Danielle cries. Frank and Britney make a deal. 

HOH competition:
They must pull strings to raise a bar in order to get the ball

 into the hole with the highest number.  
The numbers get higher moving up the board.

Danielle: 8
Frank: 5
Shane: 17
Jenn: 6
Joe: 10
Britney: 7
Dan blew it.. it hopped completely off. 

Now they must compete head to head. 

It's a race to get the ball in the top hole first. 
Round 1: Dan v Frank .. Dan fell off, he lost
Round 2: Frank v Jenn .. Frank won.
Round 3: Brit v Frank .. Frank won.
Round 4: Danielle v Frank .. Frank won.
Round 5: Joe v Frank .. Frank won.
Round 6: Shane v Frank .. Frank won.

Frank is the new HOH. Unbelievable, it's six against one and the one WINS! Ridiculous! Dan is the only have not.. his first time in two seasons!

Fran told Britney he's putting up Dan and Danielle. Frank says he trusts Britney the most in the house right now. Frank finds a Pandora's box in the HOH room. There's money inside. Of course, he opens it. He must choose three cubes and they contain different amounts of money. He won $1.05, $7.11, and $3,333.33. Then he was locked inside Pandora's box for the next hour while chaos unfolded downstairs.
The cube in the claw machine has been changed to a golden veto ball. The house was told about Pandora's box. They need fifty cents to play the machine so everyone starts looking around the backyard. Then all of a sudden, balls start falling from the sky!! The backyard is so FULL OF BALLS that you can't see much grass!! Some of the balls have quarters inside.

Dan tries the machine. No luck. Ian tried. No luck either.
Britney tried. She HAD the veto and dropped it right beside the drop box!
Dan is acting selfish. He tries again. No luck. Ian found more quarters but decided to wait. Dan started to try again but he caught on to Ian waiting and didn't go try. Ian went back and tried again and he won it. Ian has won the special power of veto.
Frank is worried. He wants to consider putting up Ian and Dan. Ian acted wishy washy. Frank tells Ian he's gonna put up Dan and Danielle and then pick Britney as the renomination if Ian uses the special veto. Frank is wearing Boogie's clothes. It's kinda weird. Dan and Danielle are nominated. Frank dedicated his nominations to Boogie and Ashley.



Dan and Danielle are nominated. She doesn't like being nominated against Dan. He hopes to convince Ian to save him with special veto. Britney hopes she or Shane wins veto so then Ian can use his veto too to save all quack pack. The veto players are: Frank, Dan, Danielle, Shane, Britney, and Jenn. Jenn is telling Frank she doesn't want him to be alone in the veto. She tries to make a deal.

The veto competition turned the backyard into the BB art gallery. There was the logo for the app 'Draw Something' on the wall and things hiding under sheets. Viewers sent in pictures for the houseguests to guess. Each word is a clue to a punishment; you guess word and must take the punishment to get the points for it. Dan is not throwing it after he told Danielle he was.
Round 1: Avocado, Frank won and must dye himself green for 2 points.

Round 2: Hunger, Dan won and must eat icky food for 5 points.
Round 3: Clock, Jenn won and must take off her clothes and burn them for 4 points. She was wearing a bathing suit underneath. 
Round 4: Shackle, Britney won and must be shackled to someone of her choosing for 24 hours for 6 points. She chose Danielle.  

Round 5: Shower, Frank won and must take a chum shower at the alarm for the next 24 hours for 7 points.
Round 6: Carrot, Frank won and must wear a carrot suit for a week for 3 points. 

Round 7: Bench, Frank won and must sit out the next HOH for 10 points.
Round 8: Spots, Danielle won and must be a human canvas for two minutes while everyone throws paint at her for 6 points.

Round 9: Trip, Dan won and must enter the 24 hour solitary room for 8 points.  
Round 10: Britney buzzed in but didn't know it for 11 points. Frank whispered the word 'summer' to her. HE CHEATED!! Ian says he's OUT!!! 

And he was WINNING!! Yahoooooo!!!
 Britney is mad the Dan is trying to win. 
Round 11: Britney buzzed but didn't know it. Jenn won and took slop for the rest of the summer for 11 points. Jenn won veto with 15 points.

Aw Dan is crying. He goes to solitary. It's a dance party themed solitary room. 

He's happy about this though; it's thinking time. When it's time for him to come out, everyone else gathers around the door. He comes out and is acting weird. He says he feels bad. He wants to have a house meeting. They all gather in he living room, with Dan standing. He says 'Welcome to my BB funeral.'  
He thanks them for being there when he came out. Britney is crying. Shane is getting teary-eyed. He talks to everyone individually. Jenn is rock solid (no tears). Danielle is balling! Ian starting to get teary too. Dan says he wants to talk to Frank privately in he HOH room to read him something from the Bible. He tells Danielle she is dead to him. "You know what you did!" She's shocked. Hmm. He said his game talk ends now and he wants the rest of his time to be fun. Did Dan go crazy in solitary or just come up with a great plan to save himself? Innnnteeeerresting. Danielle is totally freaking out. This is hilarious.
Dan talks to Frank in the HOH room. He says 'I have no power. Just information.'
Dan spills the beans about the quack pack. Frank wants Ian out. Dan throws Britney under the bus. WHOA. This is intense. Frank tells Dan that Jenn might work with them. Dan is sad and is going to tell Danielle it was just an act.
They make final two deal with a plan to get Britney out.

dan-frank-big-brother-14.jpgDan pulls Danielle aside and tells him that it was all fake and he's not really mad at her. Then she tried to hit him with a pillow. She says he broke her heart and humiliated her. She's mad and he's smiling. He tells her about possible alliance with Jenn and Frank. 
 "I just saved us both."

Frank fills Jenn in on the new dirt about the quack pack. We now have a new alliance, folks: Frank, Danielle, Dan, and Jenn. If Britney goes home, Shane and Ian will both be alone.

Veto ceremony:
Ian up first. He's not gonna use it. Dan is proud.
Jenn uses her veto to save Dan. Britney and Ian are confused. Frank says he wanted to nominate Ian but he's safe, so he nominates Britney.

Britney is crying. Ian going after frank now. Jenn is bragging.
Dan is happy! His plan is brilliant. 


THURSDAY's episode
It's day 55. 

Danielle has such pretty hair. Britney, Ian, and Shane are all shocked. Ian thinks Frank knows about him. Danielle is pretending to still be mad/upset at Dan. Dan pretty happy. Ian is mad and tells Frank and Jenn. Ian starts yelling. He leaves the HOH and starts pacing. Dan tells Britney it's not personal. She asks doesn't he owe it to her to be honest with her. He's quiet. She leaves. 

Ian says he will avenge this. 
Shane says he doesn't know who to vote to keep: his coach or his best friend. 

Frank tells Britney she's also responsible for Ian's nominations. 
Geez Frank. What an idiot. Britney cries and tells Frank she will help Jenn and him if they keep her. Frank and Ian are arguing again...yelling. Man, Ian is mad but Frank is just acting like this is a joke.

Julie says the HOH will be endurance and the first down will get something special.

Britney is Dan-bashing. Dan has been ignoring Britney. Last week, Joe made a deal with Shane, and Joe is still with him. The deciding vote is in Shane's hands. He says Britney is the only one he can trust. I really hope he voted Danielle out.

The Brigade is back: Enzo, Matt, Lane, and Hayden!

They're Team Britney because they did her dirty in their season (BB 12). They make fun of Shane wearing alot of pink. Then they make fun of Danielle's fatal attraction thing with Shane. They think Dan might win. They toast shots to Team Brit.

Frank thinks everyone will get Ian out next week. 
Danielle last minute speech: I loved to be here, I wanna stay, blah blah blah.
Britney: says hello to husband, family, and fans, says she doesn't have enough time or a big enough ego to host her own funeral. She says "A very old wise man once said, (look and point at Dan) you will always be Judas to me." Oooooo!!!

Votes to evict:
Dan.. Britney
Jenn.. Britney
Ian.. Danielle
Shane.. Britney 
You could hear the audience go 'awww').
Joe.. Britney
By a vote of 4-1, Britney is leaving!! Nooooo :( Her dress is so cute! 

 I don't think she hugged Frank (unless I missed it) but she did hug Dan. She tells Julie her loyalty to Ian hurt her game but she doesn't regret it. She got blindsided again. She said she was being careful and trying to be paranoid. She says Ian needs to relax a little, Shane will follow someone else's lead. 

Britney Haynes with Julie Chen on Big Brother 14
Britney's goodbye messages:
Danielle is sappy. Dan says it's not personal and she should be proud. Shane said it was the hardest decision. Ian is honored, and says 'I will get that hairy orange beast!' Bahaha! Britney is juror #2.

HOH competition:
'Soak up the sun.' This is awesome. It's space theme! First off gets a punishment. Cool!! They're orbiting the sun, standing on small disks holding onto a rope and being sprayed by yellow and orange paint (to get a tan).

Big Brother 14 Week 8 endurance comp 
Next week is another double eviction!!!!!
Joe has fallen. There's an asteroid smacking them. It whacked Jenn right off her platform before the show ended. 

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