Saturday, October 27, 2012

Berry's Demise

Berry College is going to get a football team. I am not happy, by any means. Martha Berry is probably rolling in her grave. She did NOT want a football team! 
What are they thinking adding one!? Geez. 

So the decision to add football apparently was a longtime coming. We have to keep up with Shorter, who added football a couple years ago. The tornado that ripped through campus in April 2011 knocked down many trees. It gave them the perfect excuse to chop down more, some that had been standing since Martha was alive, in order to make room to build a stadium. Once the 'official' decision to add football had been approved, detailed plans for the stadium. its location, a new tennis court area, and a moved gatehouse came out within days. Oh yes, this has been in the works, for a very long time. 

Football is absolutely going to ruin Berry. I love Berry but right now, all I can think of is how glad I am that I will be gone by the time this mess gets started!! I'll be graduating Spring 2013 and it's supposed to start that fall. Yikes. 

The worst part? They're naming the stadium 'Valhalla.' In order to do that, they are going to RENAME Valhalla in Krannert. I am so mad. It's bad enough to add football and ruin the pretty campus and the college's reputation. But to change things that already exist, just so they can be given to football? 
That's outrageous. And stupid. 

They want to take this

and this 

 and turn it into this.


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