Friday, December 28, 2012


Dreadful word. Jut thinking about the MCAT makes me feel sick to my stomach.

So I have been doing some thinking. In order to retake the MCAT, I would have to study so twice as hard just to get back to where I was last June AND then some to IMPROVE my score.

The root of the 'problem' back in June was that I wasn't studying. Kaplan gave me a list of things I had to complete and I was just checking things off the list, whether I know them or not; that's not really learning. I SHOULD have studied the flashcards instead of focusing on the quizzes. Then there was the problem of running out if time. My Kaplan class ended in May and I also took the MCAT in May.

Right now, I just feel like I won't be able to retake the MCAT and do well enough to make it worthwhile. It's expensive. It would take extensive excessive studying. And it would probably cause me some actual physical pain somehow, haha.

And they're adding so many sections to the MCAT. I would also have to take time to brush up on my sociology and psychology. More things to study. More time.


I need GRE flashcards.

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