Recap: Willie is HOH. Britney and Janelle have combined their teams into one big alliance.
Willie also made a side deal with Frank and said he would not get nominated.
So Willie is a liar.
He nominated Frank anyway. Kara is also on the block.
Naturally, Frank is mad. And confused.
Julie drops a bomb on the coaches.
She reveals that each week the coaches will compete for a special power.
The winning coach picks one of their players to be safe for that week.
Each coach also picks one of their players to be a have not.
The first coach comp was the BB Derby.
Two coaches had to race around a slippery track in attempts to catch the other.
Dan threw the competition.
She reveals that each week the coaches will compete for a special power.
The winning coach picks one of their players to be safe for that week.
Each coach also picks one of their players to be a have not.
The first coach comp was the BB Derby.
Two coaches had to race around a slippery track in attempts to catch the other.
Dan threw the competition.
Boogie won and gave the immunity to Ian.
The havenots are Shane, Dan, Ashley, and Ian.
The havenot room looks awful. The walls are hypnotic black and white swirl.
The beds are slanted, curved, and have little raised bumps all over!
I have never seen a havenot room that's so bad!
Ian is kinda acting like a creeper and Boogie is talking smack about Britney and Janelle.
Everyone also seems to think that Joe is cooking too much and using all the food.
***The following are live feed updates and may contain spoilers***
***If you don't want to see them, scroll fast.***
***If you don't want to see them, scroll fast.***
Willie made fun of Wil's (gay) voice by repeating something that Wil said but in a higher voice.
Wil was upset (read: crying). Frank started spreading around the house that Willie was making homophobic slurs toward Wil, probably to get back at Willie nominating him!
Kara has been wasting no time throwing people under the bus (already!?). And she cries alot.
I've heard Kara has posed for Playboy..
I've heard Kara has posed for Playboy..
Apparently, we might have a budding showmance this early in the game.
Ian and Ashley went on a "date," inside the house, of course.
Ashley has also been getting cozy with Willie.
Jojo has slept in the HOH room with Willie for several nights now.
Britney thinks the coaches will eventually enter the game, no longer playing as coaches.
Janelle doesn't really think so because their contract said
coaches will not have to go to jury house.
coaches will not have to go to jury house.
Britney mentioned this to Willie and then very soon regretted it.
Willie is freaking out. He threatens Shane to vote Kara out.
Willie is freaking out. He threatens Shane to vote Kara out.
He started forming more alliances outside Britney and Janelle's alliance.
He calls a "house meeting" without the coaches,
and tries to convince everyone to play against the coaches.
and tries to convince everyone to play against the coaches.
He makes the point that "they need us, but we don't need them," and tells them that there is a very good chance that the coaches could eventually enter the game.
He really drives home that the newbies need to play the game for themselves and not let the coaches control what they do. This results in widespread paranoia for the newbies.
Joe ran to Janelle and told her about the meeting.
Joe ran to Janelle and told her about the meeting.
The coaches were outside later laughing at how paranoid they are all acting.
It comes up later that Frank started all this mess, but I think it was Willie.
It comes up later that Frank started all this mess, but I think it was Willie.
It also came into view that Frank and Jenn have a secret alliance.
Joe tried to lead an effort with Frank, Jenn, and Wil to get Willie out.
Anybody else notice the burglar in the storage room? The feeds went down for two hours.
Rumor is it was production hiding POV IDOLS!
A new twist?
Rumor is it was production hiding POV IDOLS!
A new twist?
Willie comes down from HOH room carrying his duffel bag and heads toward the diary room.
Again, mas paranoia spreads like wildfire. Willie emerges with the bag looking obviously fuller, but he looks happy. I think he was trying to lead everybody on by making them think he won a special power or something. What's in the bag?
A computer for HOH blogs and the HOH camera.
I'm really starting to not like Willie.
At this point, Janelle's team now wants Willie out.
All the houseguests are comparing notes
and realize that Willie has an alliance with almost everyone.
Not like his brother at all? Yeah, right.
Britney ends up hiding (and crying) in all this mess.
Someone finally exploded. Willie and Frank had a huge fight Tuesday night.
Click here for a nice recap.
Later, Joe, Jenn, Wil, Ian, and Ashley chatting in storage room.
Joe says their alliance name is Diversity and wants them to be final 6, including Frank.
Diversity? Really? You couldn't think of anything better?
Wil and Ashley are talking about Janelle later
and both are saying she is fake and can't be trusted.
Wil was spreading crap about Willie and look what happened.
Now he's spreading crap about Janelle bullying him, when in fact,
he was harassing her about leaving her baby to play BB.
Wil can't be trusted either.
Janelle is my favorite.
I think I'm pulling for Ian now.
And maybe Danielle. I like her too.
Oh, and Ian streaked in the house, covering up with Joe's cowboy hat.
***End spoilers***
Wednesday's episode was interesting.
Boogie tried to bully/intimidate Britney and then Janelle.
He threw Dan under the bus and Janelle let Dan know that.
Janelle really hates Boogie. I think it's funny when she calls him Booger.
The veto comp turned the backyard into a huge bubbly laundromat.
Willie, Frank, Kara, Wil, Danielle, and Shane competed.
They had to race from one side through washing machine tunnels to the other side of the yard and dig through the mountains of bubbles, and find coins. Slipping and sliding, they had to bring the coins back and toss them into their washing machine. They needed to find $1.30 using dollar coins, quarters, and nickels. Shane won and considered making deals with both Frank and Kara, but ended up not using the veto.
Thursday's episode was the long awaited live eviction and HOH comp.
Julie confirmed the Kara Playboy rumor/suspicion, referring to her as 'the playmate.' Five votes are needed to stay in the house. Frank went to Willie because he needed votes and Willie told him to just keep quiet and he will handle it. Britney and Janelle both say Dan needs to go so they should vote out Kara. Britney had a hunch that the coaches will enter the game eventually. She tells Willie. Willie freaked out. He calls a house meeting in the HOH room with everybody EXCEPT the coaches.Willie tells them that they have to play for themselves and not for the coaches.
Willie made fun of Wil's voice. Frank was getting mad about Willie and says he can't be trusted. Frank told the others about Willie's mocking of Wil. Willie then denied making fun of Wil and confronted Frank for spreading "lies." Of course there was yelling. And fruit loops. Boogie jumps in asking Willie who made him the boss telling everybody how they should vote.
Julie said another twist was coming, but first, she asked the houseguests a few questions.
In Frank's last minute speech before the vote, he pinpointed Willie by saying,
"Nobody should let a bully dictate your vote because bullying is not okay inside or outside the house."
Then it was time for the live eviction.
Danielle voted for Frank
Shane voted for Frank.
Joe voted for Kara.
Ian voted for Kara.
Jojo voted for Frank.
Jenn voted for Kara.
Wil voted for Kara.
Ashley voted for Kara.
With a vote of 5-3, Kara was evicted.
Wil and Ian both looked like they were going to cry.
Outside the house, Kara talks with Julie. She says she's shy. Right. And that's why she posed for Playboy. Julie shows Kara's goodbye messages from Danielle (aww), Joe (what a jerk), Shane ("I'm gonna miss those long legs."),
and Dan ("I guess this is my fault." - yep, you threw the coach comp.)
The houseguests were woken up in the middle of the night (several times)
and had to watch clips of a burglar wrecking havoc in the house.
He was shown eating their food, shaving, playing chess, and drink from the milk jug.
For the HOH comp, the backyard was decorated like a crime scene.
Willie couldn't compete as outgoing HOH and the coaches couldn't compete either.
It was a memory competition called BB Break In.
The houseguests were asked questions about the burglar video clips.
They all answered the first question right.
Shane was eliminated after question two.
Question three eliminated everyone EXCEPT Frank and Joe.
They both answer a question wrong and then both answer one right.
Question six eliminated Joe.
FRANK is the new HOH.
Willie storms off.
Julie finally reveals the new twist.
Each week, the winner of the coach competition can either SAVE a player
or TRADE a player for any other player, except the HOH.
Again, mas paranoia spreads like wildfire. Willie emerges with the bag looking obviously fuller, but he looks happy. I think he was trying to lead everybody on by making them think he won a special power or something. What's in the bag?
A computer for HOH blogs and the HOH camera.
I'm really starting to not like Willie.
At this point, Janelle's team now wants Willie out.
All the houseguests are comparing notes
and realize that Willie has an alliance with almost everyone.
Not like his brother at all? Yeah, right.
Britney ends up hiding (and crying) in all this mess.
Someone finally exploded. Willie and Frank had a huge fight Tuesday night.
Click here for a nice recap.
Later, Joe, Jenn, Wil, Ian, and Ashley chatting in storage room.
Joe says their alliance name is Diversity and wants them to be final 6, including Frank.
Diversity? Really? You couldn't think of anything better?
Wil and Ashley are talking about Janelle later
and both are saying she is fake and can't be trusted.
Wil was spreading crap about Willie and look what happened.
Now he's spreading crap about Janelle bullying him, when in fact,
he was harassing her about leaving her baby to play BB.
Wil can't be trusted either.
Janelle is my favorite.
I think I'm pulling for Ian now.
And maybe Danielle. I like her too.
Oh, and Ian streaked in the house, covering up with Joe's cowboy hat.
***End spoilers***
Wednesday's episode was interesting.
Boogie tried to bully/intimidate Britney and then Janelle.
He threw Dan under the bus and Janelle let Dan know that.
Janelle really hates Boogie. I think it's funny when she calls him Booger.
The veto comp turned the backyard into a huge bubbly laundromat.
Willie, Frank, Kara, Wil, Danielle, and Shane competed.
They had to race from one side through washing machine tunnels to the other side of the yard and dig through the mountains of bubbles, and find coins. Slipping and sliding, they had to bring the coins back and toss them into their washing machine. They needed to find $1.30 using dollar coins, quarters, and nickels. Shane won and considered making deals with both Frank and Kara, but ended up not using the veto.
Thursday's episode was the long awaited live eviction and HOH comp.
Julie confirmed the Kara Playboy rumor/suspicion, referring to her as 'the playmate.' Five votes are needed to stay in the house. Frank went to Willie because he needed votes and Willie told him to just keep quiet and he will handle it. Britney and Janelle both say Dan needs to go so they should vote out Kara. Britney had a hunch that the coaches will enter the game eventually. She tells Willie. Willie freaked out. He calls a house meeting in the HOH room with everybody EXCEPT the coaches.Willie tells them that they have to play for themselves and not for the coaches.
Willie made fun of Wil's voice. Frank was getting mad about Willie and says he can't be trusted. Frank told the others about Willie's mocking of Wil. Willie then denied making fun of Wil and confronted Frank for spreading "lies." Of course there was yelling. And fruit loops. Boogie jumps in asking Willie who made him the boss telling everybody how they should vote.
Julie said another twist was coming, but first, she asked the houseguests a few questions.
In Frank's last minute speech before the vote, he pinpointed Willie by saying,
"Nobody should let a bully dictate your vote because bullying is not okay inside or outside the house."
Then it was time for the live eviction.
Danielle voted for Frank
Shane voted for Frank.
Joe voted for Kara.
Ian voted for Kara.
Jojo voted for Frank.
Jenn voted for Kara.
Wil voted for Kara.
Ashley voted for Kara.
With a vote of 5-3, Kara was evicted.
Wil and Ian both looked like they were going to cry.
Outside the house, Kara talks with Julie. She says she's shy. Right. And that's why she posed for Playboy. Julie shows Kara's goodbye messages from Danielle (aww), Joe (what a jerk), Shane ("I'm gonna miss those long legs."),
and Dan ("I guess this is my fault." - yep, you threw the coach comp.)
The houseguests were woken up in the middle of the night (several times)
and had to watch clips of a burglar wrecking havoc in the house.
He was shown eating their food, shaving, playing chess, and drink from the milk jug.
For the HOH comp, the backyard was decorated like a crime scene.
Willie couldn't compete as outgoing HOH and the coaches couldn't compete either.
It was a memory competition called BB Break In.
The houseguests were asked questions about the burglar video clips.
They all answered the first question right.
Shane was eliminated after question two.
Question three eliminated everyone EXCEPT Frank and Joe.
They both answer a question wrong and then both answer one right.
Question six eliminated Joe.
FRANK is the new HOH.
Willie storms off.
Julie finally reveals the new twist.
Each week, the winner of the coach competition can either SAVE a player
or TRADE a player for any other player, except the HOH.
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