Thursday, August 2, 2012

Big Brother Week 2

 Sunday's episode

 Frank is HOH. Boogie and Frank have a Chilltown moment in the DR.
Janelle informs Britney her team is screwed, as if Britney didn't already know this.
Dan tells Danielle to get closer to Janelle's team.
Inside Frank's HOH room, he got a tshirt (Julie Chen is my homegirl)
and Boogie got a picture of his baby boy.
Britney calls Willie a raging lunatic, haha. He says he didn't come to play a team game and he's not going to. (Was he ever playing as a team? I must have missed that..)
Shane and Danielle are flirting. Boogie is trying to play mind games.
Janelle tells Dan playing the game this time is different because she has a family at home.
Dan and Jojo telling Britney to separate from Willie. 

Ian and Ashley have a slop date. It was so cute.
Ian was wearing a bow tie! Ashley asks him a bunch of stuff about science. 


The coach comp had the backyard decorated with and urban decor and graffiti.
The coaches came out wearing MC Hammer pants. They had to move cash from one spot to another balancing on a beam, and stack it on a small post. Wearing MC Hammer pants, they could only move side to side. It they fell off or dropped any money, they were eliminated. Dan threw it.. surprise! Britney was winning but bumped her pile of money, and knocked some off, so she was out. It was a tight race between Janelle and Boogie. He finished first, but in his arrogant egotistical celebration, he stepped OFF before hitting the button. So he was out! Boogie is an idiot. And a loser. Janelle won and saved Ashley. She picked Shane, Willie, Ian (who volunteered), and Jojo to be the havenots for the week. The havenots get pork rinds and pudding for the week, in addition to slop. 
This put Willie over the edge. He tried to get into the DR. They wouldn't let him in. Probably a bad idea.. He went the the HOH room and told Janelle, Boogie, Frank that it was a bad move to do that to his team (havenots). He said he (Willie) deserves it but his team does not. Then he declares that he’s going to get himself kicked out before they can evict him. 

He goes downstairs and kicks the doors and walls of the Have Not Room. When Joe begins mouthing, Willie follows him (Joe) into the Bathroom and Head-butts him four times, backs off with fists raised, then shoulder bumps him. Ian is standing there in a towel freaking out. Big Brother comes over the speaker, “Joe, do not follow Willie. Willie, come immediately to the DR.” Britney is crying. Willie stomps into the living room to confront a taunting Janelle. He says “You are all p*ssies,” and throws handfuls of pork-rinds at Janelle, as she flips him the bird, waves, and says “Bye-Bye, Willie.” Willie: “Shut up, you c***." He goes to the diary room and the feed were down for several hours. The house was quiet for two hours when Allison Grodner came over the loud-speaker, telling the HG’s that Willie has been expelled, but the game will go on. Janelle said he had to be physically removed from the house. Big Brother ordered pizza for all the houseguest, including the havenots. Jojo said they even banned him from the finale. Joe is not hurt.
Great full recap of all the drama HERE.
I think Willie's rant was stupid. He still could have tried for veto!

Jojo said she wishes Rachel was her coach instead of Britney. 
Ashley is really upset saying she made a mistake voting out Kara.

 We only have 9 players left. Jodi, Kara, and Willie are gone. This is where we are usually at week 5, when evicted houseguests start going to jury... Are we starting jury now, or will they still wait until week 5? I hope the coaches enter the game and they reveal it soon just to keep everyone stirred up.

Ian has been getting cozy with his bear.

Side note: Frank, the unemployed beach bum owns a house and has tenants.. 
He's not really unemployed or a bum.

Week 1 brought paranoia, drama, and non-stop game talk. 
Week 2 brought physical violoence. 
Who's ready for week 3!?!


BB caved and is giving some padding for the have not beds.
It also emerged that Dan made Danielle throw another HOH comp. Geez! He's a bad coach.
Ashley forgot she was on TV apparently and stepped out of the shower naked.
I think if Willie was sent home, Joe should also be expelled.
He was provoking Willie and is just as guilty. 

The house gets alcohol: two bottles of wine and ten beer cans.
Shane asked Jojo for a butt massage; instead, she just smacked it.
When the girls get bored, they give Ian makeovers.
The pool was drained and covered due to broken glass.

Wednesday's episode
Boogie wants to Frank to put up one of their own as a pawn. Janelle says no.
Frank told Jojo that Willie was cancer in the house.
Frank (HOH) nominates Shane and Jojo... looks like Britney is going down. 
After nominations, she will only have one player.

The girls are now calling each other Bixie (Britney), Dixie (Danielle),
Trixie (Ashley), and Pixie (Janelle).
Ashley says she's ready to get married. 

Frank, Jojo, Shane, Danielle, Wil, and Ashley are playing in the veto comp.
Ian replaces Danielle for some reason.
The backyard was decorated like a Mexican fiesta. For the people who weren't playing, BB provided food, like chips and salsa, and margaritas. The players came out dressed in unitards and giant tortilla chips. They had to dig around in big bowls of guacamole to find menu items to place on a board. They had to match the original menu board from memory.


Ashley: "I feel like fajita was spelled weird." 
Shane finished first, followed by Ian, Jojo, Frank, Wil, and Ashley was last.
Shane won POV and then jumped into the big bowl of guacamole goop. Britney followed.
Shane told Frank and Boogie he wants to work with them.  They agree and tell him to not tell anyone.
Danielle has been crying because she knows she will go up. Dan told her that he can't help her.
She said she feels betrayed by Dan.
Later he tells her he did that to "get her game started and it was strategy."
Frank even flat out  told Danielle that he will be nominating her as Shane's replacement.
Shane tried to get Frank to backdoor Wil.
At the POV ceremony, Shane used the Veto to save himself.
Frank nominated Danielle in his place.
Jojo said she deserves to be here more then, WHY?


Willie got arrested for suspected DUI just days after leaving the house.
Danielle and Shane make a F2 deal.
Looks like the house wants to evict Jojo the Hoho.

Thursday's episode
Dan apologized to Danielle. Shane and Jojo were flirting while Ian tried to go to sleep.
Ian said Shane was trying to "board the Staten Island Ferry." Bahaha!
Danielle, Janelle, and Ashley were making fun of Ian being so skinny.
Dani spilled the beans about Shane and Jojo so Janelle and Ashley want Jojo out to avoid a showmance alliance between her and Shane.  Britney tells Jojo to lay low. Then she makes fun of how Jojo always says "IknowIknowIknow" when you try yo talk to her.
Britney pushing to vote out Danielle to get rid of Dan too.
Dr. Will was back and chatting about this season. He thinks Ian will win and says if the coaches don't get it together, Boogie will steamroll.
Four votes is needed to evict.
Wil voted to evict Jojo.
Joe voted to evict Jojo.
Ashley voted to evict Jojo.
Shane voted to evict Danielle.
Ian voted to evict Jojo.
Jenn voted to evict Jojo.
By a vote of 5-1, Jojo was evicted.

This competition was named Thin Ice
The backyard was an ice hockey ring. Each player had one chance to hit a puck into slots.
The player that hit it into the highest scored slot won.
Ashley scored a 4. Joe scored a 3 and was eliminated.
Jenn totally missed and was eliminated.
Ian scored a 9 and eliminated Ashley. Wil scored a 2 and was eliminated.
Shane scored a 20 and eliminated Ian. Danielle scored a 12 and was eliminated.
Shane is the new HOH!

Big Brother 14 Week 3 HoH competition

Julie reveals that America will vote for whether or not the coaches will come into the game.

We find out Ian is an RA at his university.
Danielle mentions that the BB contract is for three years;
 what happens afterward must be approved by CBS.

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