Monday, August 6, 2012

I came across this website that asks many, many questions about political issues to help you determine which candidate your views most align with. I haven't been following political news or campaigns, so this website definitely caught my interest.

On most issues, I sided with Mitt Romney (72%). 
We agreed on immigration, social, and domestic policy issues.
Mitt Romney

I sided most with Ron Paul (65%) on immigration, domestic policy,
foreign policy, and healthcare issues.

Ron Paul

I sided with Virgil Goode (58%) on some immigration and social issues. 
I had never even heard of this person. 

Virgil Goode

I agree with Obama (44%) on foreign policy and domestic policy issues.
Barack Obama

I side with political parties as follows.. 
72% Republican
56% Libertarian
53% Green
44% Democratic

I side the most with Virgil Goode on social issues.
I side the most with Barack Obama on science issues.
I side the most with Ron Paul and Mitt Romney on immigration issues.
I side the most with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson on healthcare issues
I side the most with Barack Obama on foreign policy issues.
I side the most with Ron Paul on domestic policy issues.
I side the most with Jill Stein on economic issues.
I side the most with Gary Johnson and Ron Paul on environmental issues.

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