Thursday, August 16, 2012

More Delays and More School

So.. could things get any worse? Today Aaron and I talked about waiting perhaps even longer to start PA school and getting married.

Aaron gets a monthly check from the VA while he is in school. So now he's considering taking summer classes (in phlebotomy of all things! maybe in business too) after he graduates in addition to get a job, so we can save up as much money as possible... but this also means we might not be able to get married on November 2, 
because he could still be in school.

Part of the reason I think PA school was so much more appealing to me is because it allows more time for us to have a family. (We also talked about baby names today!) But I really don't like all this chat about pushing the wedding back and we might have to wait another year. We have already been engaged for over a year. I have heard long engagements are not good for couples, which makes me a little nervous. I have no doubts about our relationship, though. I am just very ready to be married and it seems like I'm the only one that doesn't want to push it back.

Aaron seems to really like this plan. If he could be certified in phlebotomy, he could get a better job while I'm in PA school later. It would also give him something to fall back on in case his music has a slow start or takes a dip. Speaking of music, all this talk has Aaron's dad's panties in a wad. Every minute Aaron isn't playing piano, for some reason, his dad seems to think that Aaron will never, ever play piano again. It's really getting on my nerves. It's starting to bother Aaron too.

Phlebotomy only takes one year. I suppose that could be my plan C if PA school doesn't work out. I consider PA school to be my plan B right now. Med school, obviously, was plan A. Plan D? Maybe I could just find a job with a Biochemistry degree? Or get involved with research somewhere? Or maybe teach?

We also talked about my choice of PA school, which really is where ever I can get into. I thought Mercer was the best choice but they start in January, which means we would have to postpone the wedding. MCG is sounding like the better option. They start in May.

*Just as a side note, I do realize things could be worse. 
I think Aaron and I are in a great spot right now. We are both about to start our last year of college and we recently joined a local church (Salem). Aaron also got baptized. I just want to be married already. It seems like everybody ELSE my age (and younger) is already living the life I want: married, kids, own a house together..blah blah blah because they were stupid and got pregnant first! Aaron and I are trying to do things the right way, you know getting married and THEN having a baby, but that's doing nothing but make me envious.

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