Saturday, August 4, 2012

Big Brother week 3

Sunday's episode
Frank and Boogie feel good about Shane getting HOH. Wil is panicking.
In the HOH room, Shane gets pictures of family and Britney gets a wedding picture. Everybody is quiet. No one wanted to be there but couldn't be the first to leave. Joe thinks he and Wil will be nominated.
Britney tells Dan that their kids are dating (Shane and Danielle). 
They are talking about nominations. Britney is pushing for Frank, but Shane denies. Joe makes Shane breakfast and even delivers it upstairs to him. Serious butt kissing. Ashley says she's a modern day hippie but she likes rap music. She explains her dream boards. Jenn said she came out to her parents when she was nineteen. Dani says Jenn has helped tame her fear of lesbians. Danielle is pushing to nominate Frank, then Danielle and Shane make final two deal.

The coaches competition is called 'Feel the Burn.' The backyard has been turned into a gym. There are three workout stations and they have to do as many reps as possible. For each station, the coach with the least amount of reps gets eliminated and must pick a locker.  Dan decided this is the one comp he won't throw.The first station was the 'booty scooty.' Boogie won. Britney was eliminated and she had to pick two people to be on slop with her. She picked Joe and Ian.

BB14 Episode 8  coaches competition

The second event was "hip to hip extreme," and Janelle won, making it look easy. Boogie was eliminated and his locker had $10,000 inside. He had to share it with two players. He took $6,000 for himself, gave $3,000 to Ian (who then cried), and he gave Jenn $1,000. The third event was the 'tongue trainer elite.' It was down to Dan and Janelle and she won. Inside Dan's locker was a sushi party for six people. He invited all the coaches, Shane, and Danielle. So Janelle won the coach comp and she decided to save Wil.

The have nots get cereal and salmon for the week, which I think is the best have not menu ever! Janelle is trying to smooth things over with Britney and Shane, while Boogie pushing to nominate Joe and Ashley. Briney wants to nominate one person from each team (Boogie and Janelle's teams) to turn them against each other. She doesn't trust Boogie and Janelle. Shane has shut down the showmance card. He's not really interested and Danielle is pushing too hard.
Shane nominated Joe and Ashley. Ashley looks confused.
She cries in diary room and say she feels kinda alone. HAHA 


Danielle: "Shane, just give me a hug for a second."
 Shane: "I can't, I don't want a showmance."

Frank and Boogie are in arcade room. Frank says if he wins HoH on Thursday, he's going to nominate Wil and Ashley, and then backdoor Shane. 
Two problems with that plan.
One: he will probably get evicted this week.
Two: Shane will probably win veto again.

The house gets more alcohol delivered. They got six beers and a bottle of wine.
Why does Janelle insist on not wearing a bra most of the time??
Britney is a self proclaimed best gift giver ever, talking about gripper socks.
Remember the first few days, all Danielle talked about was how her father abused her. It really must have taken a toll on her. She's so needy and insecure.. 
sometimes downright desperate.

Wil is mad at Janelle and says he's switching teams.
Janelle hopes Rachel comes back because she's fun to be around.
Wil says he staged being mad.
Danielle has apparently not left the HOH bed. Seriously. 
She finally leaves (mad) thinking Janelle called her fat.. 
leading to another insecurity fest. Danielle might also be a hypochondriac. She said she had acute renal failure, IBS, and a spastic colon. 
The house gets Play doh! There's a different color for each houseguest.

Wednesday's episode
Janielle says she's not mad at Britney for the nominations and pushes for Frank to be put up after veto. Janelle tells her team to suck it up and look happy. 
Joe heads upstairs to HOH. He tells Shane he made a smart move and says he wants to work with him. Shane said you should have realized that earlier. 
Joe tells him how mad he is. 
Shane, Joe, Ashley, Danielle, Frank, and Wil are playing in he veto comp.
It's called the BB Circus.The houseguests not playing get cotton candy and popcorn. Each person had to keep two balls rolling on two different ramps at the same time. Wil and Joe were eliminated first. Frank and Danielle are eliminated next, leaving it down to Ashley and Shane. Of course, Shane won. 
Frank says he's not worried; he thinks he's safe. Janelle is pushing for Frank to be put up because her players are weak and therefore not threatening.
Janelle wants to work with Britney and Shane for more than one week.
Janelle offers to let them keep her wedding ring for 3 weeks to show trust. 
Later Joe talks to Shane and plays the family card, trying to make Shane feel guilty.

Then it was time for the sushi party. Everyone was all dressed up.

Wil was partying (read: dancing and drinking) inside for his 25th birthday. The sushi party guest came back inside and it turned into a house party! 
There was spin the bottle, streaking, and skinny dipping.

 BB14 Episode 9

Britney was talking to Ian about keeping Shane safe. He said ' I see no foreseeable circumstance.' She tells Shane about the shady answer and Shane says he's nervous. Frank pulls Shane aside, telling Shane he's still loyal to him. Shane brings up Ian. Franks says that Boogie hasn't told Ian what to do yet 'because he's still a kid and because of his crush with Ashley,' trying to cover Ian's weird answer. Joe thinks he will be safe if Frank goes up against him. 

At the veto ceremony, the last minute speeches were lame. Shane used the veto on Ashley but Boogie still looks confident, until Frank is named as the replacement nominee. Frank is surprised but kinds saw it coming. Shane says he hopes Frank won't be mad even though he's the actual target.

Thursday's episode 
Julie revealed that the results of America's vote would be revealed tonight. 
Frank is not happy. He knows Danielle will be the swing vote. Shane told Frank not to worry about it. Joe is not so mad now. Frank tells Boogie he's not the target, but Boogie is still mad Frank didn't tell him. Britney goes to Boogie and she is PLAYING HIM SO HARD, and he is believing every word. Ian was talking to himself and freaking out about Frank being nominated. Ian flat out lied to Boogie about what he said to Britney to cover his own butt. 

Britney and Janelle chat about emotions.. Janelle said she's doesn't cry..
Wil is getting mad at Janelle. He told Joe, who told Ashley, who told Janelle. 
Janelle says she needs to talk to Wil. She fake cries for him. He goes along with it but says he doesn't trust her. Frank and Boogie tell Dan that they need Danielle's vote. Dan says the deal Boogie pitched sounds pretty good. He also tells Danielle to stop liking Shane; it's affecting her game. It's revealed that Frank's dad is a wrestling legend. 

Julie tells coaches about America's vote. America voted yes to give the coaches the option to enter the game. If just ONE coach decides to enter, the game will be reset, meaning there will be no eviction and everyone is eligible to compete for HOH. If none of the coaches decide to enter, they continue to play as coaches, the eviction of either Frank or Joe will occur, and evicted houseguests will return to the BB house. OH MY GOSH. This is a huge twist!

Each coach was called to the diary room to decide if they wanted to enter the game by hitting a big red reset button. Britney hit the button. Boogie refused. 
Dan hit the button. Janelle hit it the button. So the game has officially been reset. Everyone is playing on their own and now it's time for the HOH competition.
Shane is eligible to compete. Poor thing, his HOH reign was a total waste. 

The HOH competition was called "Walk the Plank." It was an endurance competition. Each houseguest had to stand on a small ledge with their back against a wall and hold onto a rail behind them, 
as the side of ship is tilting and water is pouring on them. 
We will find out who won on Sunday!

 big brother 14 endurance competition

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