Recap: Janelle was evicted and Frank won HOH
SUNDAY's episode
Britney feels bad for voting out Janelle. Dan is worried the Silent Six won't hold up
Joe knows he's a target. Britney thinks Frank will win the game. In Frank's HOH room, he had a picture of his nana, a NASA hat, and a letter from his Nana.
Ashley is also regretting voting out Janelle. Joe and Will are expecting to be nominated. Frank said he had a steamy dream about Jojo, which lead Frank, Shane, and Ian to talk about how hot Jojo and Kara were.
Britney feels bad for voting out Janelle. Dan is worried the Silent Six won't hold up
Joe knows he's a target. Britney thinks Frank will win the game. In Frank's HOH room, he had a picture of his nana, a NASA hat, and a letter from his Nana.
Ashley is also regretting voting out Janelle. Joe and Will are expecting to be nominated. Frank said he had a steamy dream about Jojo, which lead Frank, Shane, and Ian to talk about how hot Jojo and Kara were.
Danielle is still pushing Shane. I'm starting to think she is psycho! She said he's just
afraid. And he will lose a catch. Yes, she called herself a catch. Frank and Boogie want to use Dan as a
pawn.. and Dan is squirming.
Britney and Boogie were talking about how Danielle is NOT a morning person. Then Boogie said he thinks Danielle is lying. He thinks she's a med student or a nurse. Ashley has back spasms. They show her hobbling around the house in pain.
Is there only one toilet in the BB house!?
The Have Not competition is called "Squeeze Me!" We have seen this competition before.. There's a big pool of liquid and each player is wearing a giant sponge suit (this time it was a citrus theme) and another team member must squeeze the juice out. The two teams fill jugs for the other team to be have nots. The have nots for the week are Joe, Shane, Danielle, and Britney. They get candy canes and cod for the week.
Joe is throwing Wil under the bus. Frank said his target is still Joe, though. They were given a pool toy only to have Boogie break it (literally) thirty seconds later. Wil thinks there is a large group of people working together. He's being a bit shady. Frank wanted to get Dan out, but after that, Wil may now be the target. Boogie thinks it too early to nominate Dan.
At the nomination ceremony, Shane looked surprised he was safe, Ian looked very relieved to be safe, and Dan did too. Joe and Wil and nominated. Dan says he doesn't trust Boogie.
Dan found a banana suit and pranced around it trying to convince the rest of the house that he opened pandora's box and got it from there. Boogie brought it into the house and hid it, hoping someone would find it and it would stir up paranoia.
There is some serious backdoor Dan talk between Frank and Boogie. Joe held a cooking class and showed everyone how to make five-minute salsa using only a few ingredients. On Tuesday, Ashley asked Frank on an ice cream date, which turned into a make out date..
Ian was upset.
Boogie has swimmer's ear. Danielle is pouting and complaining because Shane won't give her any attention anymore.
WEDNESDAY's episode
Frank told Joe he's safe. Boogie told Wil he's safe.
Britney warned Shane he could get backdoored.
Zingbot returned to the house!
Ashley, your smile lights up the room.. too bad it’s the only thing about you that’s bright. Zing! Shane, my 5-year-old niece called, she wants her pink tank top back. Zing! Britney, I have a half million dollars to donate. Please tell me more about the charity you gave yours to. I think it was called the Brigade. Zing! Joe, how does it feel to be the old man of the house? Oh, sorry Boogie, I didn’t see you there! Zing! Ian, for a chemical engineering student, it’s amazing how little chemistry you have with the ladies. Zing! Jenn, you have a lot in common with a gossip magazine — you’re both covered in bad ink. Zing! Frank, Little Orphan Annie would ‘preech if you would stop stealing her hairdo. Zing! Danielle, I hear Shane is going to give you a special gift after the season — a restraining order. Zing!
Did anyone else notice Wil didn't get a zing!?
The veto competition was called "Zingbot labs." Last year, one of the comoetitions was to build Zingbot a wife. This time, the houseguests had to build a pipeline from point A to point B to transport a ball in order to bring baby Zingbot to life. Frank, Wil, Joe, Shane, Jenn, Ashley, and Boogie competed. Frank won! Baby zing is so cute!
Britney and Dan are worried about a backdoor plot. Ashley, Wil, and Jenn were talking about Frank making a big move (backdoor Shane or Dan) they go talk to Frank and tell him if he makes a move, they are behind him. Britney then sends Ian up to HOH to investigate ..Frank tells him he's worried about Dan and Ian tried to swing him but Frank seems so scorned that Dan was gunning for the past two weeks. Frank is pushing the Dan card to Boogie and he says it's too early.
At the veto ceremony, Frank didn't use the veto. The nominations stay the same. Wil is mad and Joe determined to stay.
The girls put Nair on Ian's armpits. Afterward, he complains of the burning for a few days. Britney used the wrong kind of Nair and it burned him.
Apparently Dan is in trouble legally (Boogie says he has a lot of litigation..) So if Dan gets evicted really quick.. We know he had to be in court. He's on the show again because he needs the money. The have nots have been cheating and showering upstairs. Boogie and Frank are saying if Thursday is double eviction they are going to try to get Britney out. Most of the houseguests think this will be a double eviction week.
THURSDAY's episode
Shane shaved! Britney told Dan how close he was to close he was to going up. They showed Ashley and Frank's date. Ashley said her motie was to find out info about Wil's safety from Frank, however, there was no game talk..
Wil was talking to Shane, Britney, and Danielle and made it obvious that he knows there is a big alliance in the house. There's a short segment showing Joe's family.
Jeff from last season is chatting with Julie. He has been interviewing all of the evicted houseguests. Jeff has gray hair?? How old is he? He told Julie that he has moved to California with Jordan and that she gave him a deadline to propose! (June 5). Julie gives the houseguests a current events quiz.
Votes to evict:
Ashley.. Joe
Boogie.. Wil
Danielle.. Wil
Jenn.. Joe
Dan.. Wil
Britney.. Wil
Shane.. Wil
Ian.. Wil
Wil is evicted by vote of 6 to 2. Julie told him about the silent six.
The HOH competition is called "swamped." The houseguests must transport liquid across a slippery slope to a large container and fill it up using a small cup. There are three containers jugs to fill: HOH, $10,000 prize, or safety for next week.
After thes how went off..
Shane leading for HOH, followed by Danielle then Ian.
Boogie leading for money.
Britney has won safety.
Boogie has won the money!
Shane in lead for HOH, Dan and Danielle tied for second. Ian fourth.
Shane is new HOH!
There are no have nots this week.
Jenn hurt her back falling in competition.
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